Welcome to the new website home of Catadel!
First, an introduction. Hi! My name is Yang. Until now, if you’ve interacted with Bad Optics in any way, you’ve been talking to me.
In 2017, after years of working professionally in the games industry, I decided to take the plunge and create my own game as an independent developer. I wanted to make a game that combined my specialty in making simulation games with my love of games like Age of Empires.

Of course, there’re lots of other games that inspired Catadel to become its current form today. But that’s a story for another time.
Catadel has changed a lot since it was first published to Itch.io in April of 2018. The game’s come so far since then. Check out these screenshot comparisons:

Did you know? Catadel first published without sound effects. My friend, Jamie, created the first cat models (Thank you!) and all the other assets were bought from the Unity asset store.

Catadel got an actual UI skin in late July. Then, in August 2018, 3D artists Mindy and David joined the team part time. They started creating new cat and tree models for the game. We’re slowly replacing the placeholder art assets with an art vision of our own.

What new changes will 2019 bring? We’re so excited to find out! And we hope you’ll decide to come along for the journey!